E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

The PUPR Department's Effectiveness in Managing Slum Settlements in Bandar Lampung City

Author(s): Mike Nurjanah, Dr. Yulianto, Dr. Susan Indrianti, Dr. Ani Agus Puspawati


The KOTAKU program seeks to manage 35,291 hectares of slum settlements through gradual adoption throughout local government and community boundaries throughout Indonesia, as well as institutional development, planning, infrastructure enhancement, and basic services at the city and community levels. The establishment of slum communities is inextricably related to the city of Bandar Lampung. Bandar Lampung, the provincial capital, has a land area of 197.22 hectares (197.22 km2), with units consisting of 20 sub-districts and 126 villages dispersed over the province. This study used a descriptive qualitative research design, using sites at the City of Bandar Lampung's Public Works and Housing Office. The findings of this study reveal that the Public Works and Public Housing Agency's efforts to address slum environmental issues have been successful, but they continue to face challenges. Because of the establishment of these impediments, the government continues to seek solutions to every problem in dealing with these slum regions. The government's facilities and funding are important supporting aspects for the policy of dealing with slum areas. While the main impediment is a lack of community understanding about environmental protection.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Performance, Settlements, Slums

Pages: 1007-1009

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