E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 2, 2024

Improve Self-learning Capacity for Learners at Higher Education Institutions

Author(s): Thi Huong Phung, Van Luan Nguyen


The self-learning capacity of learners is a key factor determining their professional competence when graduating and participating in the labor market. Self-learning capacity is influenced by learners themselves and external factors such as teaching quality, school, society, and family. The article has clarified the theoretical basis of self-study methods at the university level, and higher education institutions. The research overview presented in the article has shown that research on improving learners' self-learning capacity is essential and important. The article also offers some solutions to improve the self-learning capacity of learners: Forming positive feelings of learners with the subject; Promoting learners' motivation for self-learning; Guide self-study methods for learners; and Renovate educational management activities.

Keywords: Self-learning, Learner, Higher Education Institutions

Pages: 1421-1425

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