E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024

Factors Affecting Tourism Promotion of Tien Giang and Vietnam During the Period of Digital Transformation

Author(s): Nguyen Van Toai


In 2023, the number of tourists to Tien Giang province will be 1,389 thousand, reaching 111.1% of the plan; including 420 thousand international visitors, reaching 168.1% of the plan. Revenue from accommodation, catering and travel activities is 7,464 billion VND, up 12.5% over the same period; Of which: revenue from accommodation and food services accounts for 97.6%, equivalent to 7283 billion VND (Giang, 2023) [2]. However, tourism promotion in Tien Giang (TG) still faces many challenges and limitations such as technological development; Digital Marketing; Customer interaction; Digital infrastructure…. Therefore, this article studies this situation and proposes solutions to improve Tien Giang tourism promotion activities in the digital transformation period.

Keywords: Tourism, Promotion, Digital Transformation, Tien Giang

Pages: 60-63

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