E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024

The Effectiveness of Various Security Agencies’ Counterterrorism Strategies in Addressing Human Rights Violations in Kenya between 1998 and 2020

Author(s): Sandra Makayoto, Dr. Steven Handa, Dr. Peter Wafula Wekesa


This study aims to explore the effectiveness of various security agencies counterterrorism strategies in Kenya between 1998 and 2020. The research utilized a descriptive research design, and the target population consisted of 420 civil society groups, human rights organizations, security agencies, and counter-terrorism agencies (CSOs). A sample of 150 respondents who were given a questionnaire and an interview schedule was obtained through the use of two-stage purposive sampling technique. The collected numeric data were analyzed with the assistance of SPSS software version 26.0, while the collected qualitative data were processed thematically through the utilization of content analysis. The analyzed data was reported in the form of narrative and displayed on tables, charts and bars. The study findings revealed that government of Kenya has deployed a number of security agencies counterterrorism strategies between 1998 and 2020 among them being, arrests, prosecutions, detentions, multiagency approach, using security forces, educating the public, fighting terrorism through creation of income generating activities, enactment of the anti-terrorism act, monitoring and interception of money transactions and regulating the media. According to the findings of the study, the majority of the counterterrorism strategies implemented by Kenya's various security agencies have been ineffective in accomplishing the country's overarching objective of eradicating terrorism.

Keywords: Anti-terrorism, Counter-terrorism Strategies, Counter-terrorism, Effectiveness of Strategies

Pages: 230-237

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