E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024

“Bitter or Better” Exploring Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment among Coffee Shop Staff in Noveleta, Cavite

Author(s): Da Angel S, Bernal Christian Shayne S, Villafuerte Drake Lorenz Z, Lazaro Bryan Louis G

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62225/2583049X.2024.4.3.2851


The coffee shop industry in Noveleta, Cavite, has seen substantial growth in recent years, contributing significantly to the local economy through job creation. This study aims to assess the levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment among coffee shop employees in Noveleta, Cavite, to sustain and enhance this growth. Job satisfaction, which encompasses an employee's overall happiness, well-being, and performance, is characterized by positive emotional states resulting from job appraisal. It is influenced by factors such as recognition, benefits, training, career advancement opportunities, and compensation. Organizational commitment, defined by an employee's emotional attachment, loyalty, and dedication to their organization, is crucial for consistent and reliable employee performance.

The research employs a quantitative design, using an online survey distributed to 120 coffee shop staff in Noveleta. The survey includes Likert scale questions addressing various aspects of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Data will be analyzed using statistical methods, including standard deviation and correlation analysis, to understand the dispersion of responses and the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Preliminary findings indicate that training programs and recognition for contributions are highly rated, suggesting strong agreement among employees regarding these factors. However, career advancement opportunities and fair promotion practices received slightly lower satisfaction scores, highlighting areas for potential improvement. The correlation analysis reveals a strong positive association between job satisfaction and organizational commitment, emphasizing the need for coffee shops to implement strategies that enhance job satisfaction to foster a committed workforce. This study underscores the importance of understanding and improving employee satisfaction and commitment to boost customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business performance.

Keywords: Bitter, Better, Coffee Shop, Cavite

Pages: 777-780

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