E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024

Implementation of Empowerment and Supervision towards Land Registrar Officials in Banda Aceh

Author(s): Ichsan Rizky, Ilyas Ismail, Adwani


The Land Registrar is a public official authorized to draw up and validate an authentic act, one of the officials of the land registrar of the notary authorized in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 2, 2014 on the Department of Notaries and Government Regulations Number 37, 1998 as amended by Government Regulation Number 24, 2006 on the Land Registrars Official. In its implementation still found errors both formally and materially that occurred in the drafting of the act carried out by public officials. Development and supervision should be carried out by the relevant parties to the officials in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Regulation Number 2, 2018 on Education and Suprvision of Land Registrar Officials (PPATs) to regulate the code of ethics, aimed at avoiding abuse of authority that entails legal consequences later on. This is the empirical juridical research looking at the applicable legal provisions as well as what is happening in reality in a society that remains guided by existing legal principles and foundations. The purposes of this study is to explain the Implementation of education and supervision of the officials in Banda Aceh. The implementation of these are carried out by the Head of the Land Agency Office of Banda Aceh is to visit several of the existing PPATs in the Banda Aceh City and give instructions to the tasks of the PPAT but its implementation is still not optimal. The lack of empowerment and supervision of PPAT is caused either by its rules, systems, nor by its insufficient estimates on the part of the BPN. The lack of harmonious cooperation between the Head of the Land Office of the Banda Aceh and PPAT caused the difficulty of holding supervision of PPAT in terms of the drafting of acts and also the delivery of instructions for the implementation of the PPAT tasks, in addition, in empowering efforts against PPAT only often carried out ineffective socialization processes in monitoring PPAT so vulnerable to violations.

Keywords: Implementation, Empowerment, Supervision, Land Registrar Official, Banda Aceh

Pages: 929-932

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