E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022

Executive Compensation and Financial Performance of Banks in Nigeria

Author(s): Owota Perelayefa George, King Perebibowei Solomon, Banigo Macauley Gilbert


This study looked at how executive pay affects a Nigerian commercial bank's financial performance. It was decided to do a correlational study. The study's population and sample size include all of Nigeria's commercial banks that are currently listed on the NSE. Multiple linear regressions, correlation analysis, and descriptive statistics were used in the study's analysis of the data. Sampled banks' financial performance and executive salary are shown to have a substantial positive correlation in this study's findings. According to the findings, organisations should pay their executives well enough to incentivize them, because the more money they make, the better their financial performance. Aside from the standard salary, it was also advised that executive compensation packages include various benefits designed to keep employees motivated.

Keywords: Executive Compensation, Financial Performance, Banks, Corporate Governance

Pages: 203-207

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