E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 2, Issue 4, 2022

CP-TPP Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges for Vietnamese Intellectual Labor Force

Author(s): Nguyen Huu Hao, Pham Chau Thanh, Dang Truong Thuy Anh


The CPTPP agreement has marked an important stepstone for the Vietnamese economy to bring opportunities and challenges to both Vietnamese workers and intellectual workers. Vietnam joined TPP on November 13, 2010 with the goal of bringing our country out of basic underdevelopment and becoming a modernized industrialized country by 2020. It can be said that the intellectual labor force being quite sensitive to the changes of Vietnamese trade, they can adapt well to Vietnam's accession to the TPP through the process of learning and improving their skills in many areas of life. Besides, the quantity and quality of the intellectual labor force still do not meet the requirements of the country's development, a small number of intellectuals also have a reprehensible expression. This article will explore the implications of the TPP, the opportunities and challenges of the Vietnamese knowledge workforce, thereby making some recommendations as well as mistaken solutions to improve the quality of intellectual labor in Vietnam.

Keywords: CP-TPP Agreement, Opportunities and Challenges, Intellectual Labor

Pages: 71-78

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