E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 2, Issue 5, 2022

The Apparent Plurality of God in African Philosophy

Author(s): Peter Takov


That an African is notoriously religious as affirmed by Mbiti, is a fact which has been tested and proven by many Philosophers. This aspect transcends all categories of the African expression and appreciation of life, in such fashion that every element is seen as intrinsically connected with the Supreme Being. The consequence is a multiplicity of names for the Supreme Being that gives the impression of a plurality. This paper, while affirming the exigency of the African “God” concept maintains that underlying the seeming plurality is a fundamental unicity. The African God, so to speak, is but one God, viewed from different dimensions of an African’s relationship with him in all aspects of the African life. This paper argues that western contentions that conclude to the multiplicity of Gods in Africa are misconceptions and misunderstandings of African Traditional Religion and its inherent belief systems and modes of expression.

Keywords: African Traditional Religion, God, Worldview, Unicity, Plurality, Creation, Christianity

Pages: 265-270

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