E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023

Pragmatic and Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Headlines

Author(s): Ismatullayeva Nigora Muhammadali Kizi


This article makes an essential assumption about discourse analysis as a method for influencing how individuals see the outside world. The speech-act theory has further refinements that claim language actively builds social reality. While pragmatic use pays attention to the significance of the so-called inferred meaning that speakers and listeners perceive, semantics simply considers the actual meaning of the words and their relationships. Information may be divided into two main categories: presumption and entailment. Presuppositions are the speakers' incidental knowledge, whereas entailments are conclusions reached as a specific kind of result. In our analysis of discourse, we will refer to media as a specific form of discourse that is itself a power resource and how media can influence people's minds, e.g., their knowledge or opinions, revealing integration of among which is the main concerns of the paper. Headlines subjectively provide hints about or express the most important aspect of the text combining in themselves both semantic and pragmatic meanings. In light of this, the research investigates the possibilities of T. Van Dijk's semantic and pragmatic modules.

Keywords: Discourse, Speech Genre, Linguopragmatic, Pragmatics, Concept, Factor, Utterance, Semantics, Discourse, Presupposition, Entailment, Context, Headline

Pages: 950-953

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