E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023

What Sociological Perspective of Drepanocytosis in Parents living in Tshumbe Town, D.R.Congo?

Author(s): Justin M Siombo, Oleko Wa Oleko


The lack of basic structures for the screening and management of the sociocultural sickle cell disease remains a major problem in the cure of this pathology in DR Congo. Hence the need to carry out our investigation of the experiences and emotions of these parents. Our study is qualitative research conducted with parents in Kisangani in December 2022. Inclusion criteria (parents living with their child sickle cell under 18 years of age living or dead). And that of non-inclusion (living parent away from his sickle cell child). The qualitative approach is used to establish the community diagnosis in order to identify the problems, needs and resources related to a good management of this pathology as the parents feel. Our results were drawn based on a thematic analysis articulated on the circumstances of discoveries of the disease, the repercussions of the disease and the perception of management. This analysis showed significant psychosocial repercussions for the parents of sickle cell children and the stigmatization in the social and school life of children with sickle cell disease. The care of children with sickle cell disease is very expensive and remains only medical.

However, the family of sickle cell does not benefit any psychological support. The Congolese State must put in place a care management policy based on a total approach to the disease.

Keywords: Sickle Cell Disease, Sociological Perspectives, Parents, Tshumbe, D. R. C.

Pages: 1148-1153

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